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Selling Mistakes to Avoid

Selling Mistakes to Avoid

When selling on a virtual platform, the CRM team works as a connecting link or a solution enabler between the buyers and sellers. Whenever a customer is stuck in a situation, the CRM representatives are expected to provide the best solutions. Even when it is just the...

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Business Acumen and Its Significance for Sales People

Business Acumen and Its Significance for Sales People

Business acumen can be defined as quickness and keenness in dealing and understanding a "problem" that is likely to result positively. It also contemplates the ability of individuals to use available resources productively. Besides, business acuity has come as a major...

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Enhance Customer Retention Using CRM

Enhance Customer Retention Using CRM

We are living in a world where a rookie sales manager motivates their team to acquire new customers. But if the sales manager has been in the thick of things for some years, there will be an evident shift in focus towards customer retention. Numbers back such moves,...

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